TROPOMI/S5P tropospheric NO2 maps over Finland



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O2 data for Helsinki-Vantaa-Espoo
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This online platform provides maps of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentrations over Finnish cities. The maps are based on annual averages of the tropospheric NO2 retrievals obtained by the Copernicus TROPOMI/Sentinel-5P satellite instrument. NO2 is an air pollutant mainly generated by combustion processes from anthropogenic pollution sources (including transportation, energy production and other industrial activities). Concentrations of short-lived gases like NO2 can be used as proxies of NO2 emissions when averaged in time and space, since averaging removes some of the short-term variability due to changing meteorological conditions.

The service is part of the Health showcase of the EU 2020 e-shape project (Pilot 2.3 EO-based pollution-health risks profiling in the urban environment). The service maintenance and the data analysis are carried on at the Space and Earth Observation Centre at the Finnish Meteorological Institute. The retrieval of the TROPOMI NO2 product was developed at KNMI and the data are distributed via the ESA Sentinel hub. Further information about the service and the data used can be found here or you can contact the responsible investigator Iolanda Ialongo, FMI.